Seven Simple Tools for Recovery - John Brooks Recovery Center

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Do not hesitate to call us today. 609.345.2020

Seven Simple Tools for Recovery

Healthy Relationships are Vital
Our mental and emotional health is impacted by our connections. There may be no single “secret” to recovery, but strong and healthy relationships are a key ingredient.

The Glass is Half-Full
Most often, there is more going on that’s right instead of wrong – it’s just harder to notice. It’s important to notice the good around us at any given moment.

Gratitude Changes Everything
Gratitude increases our sense of well-being. It helps shift our attention back to what we have and what is already working.

Laughter is Good Medicine
There is nothing like a good laugh to help us feel better. It helps release frustration, decreases irritation and builds connection with others.

Just Keep Moving
Exercise helps to reduce stress, promote better sleep, increase energy and improve mood. It can also help prevent relapse as it creates a healthier lifestyle.

Mindfulness Works
Mindfulness is a valuable tool in recovery because it offers help managing emotions, increasing acceptance and even helps with daily cravings.

The 1% Factor
Even when feeling stuck, there is always something we can do that moves us 1% in the direction of recovery. Sometimes, the smallest positive action can stop the negative downward spiral.

If you are or you know someone who is struggling with a substance use disorder, please don’t hesitate to call John Brooks Recovery Center today.

Call 609-345-0110 for:

  • Residential Detox/Withdrawal Management
  • Short-term Residential
  • Long-term Residential

Call 609-345-2020 x6182, x6180 or x6179 for:

  • Opioid Treatment Program
  • Intensive Outpatient Program
  • Standard Outpatient Program

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